Editorial Policy

Welcome to SanDiego-Neurofeedback.com! Our mission is to provide accurate, reliable, and comprehensive information about neurofeedback, brain health, and related topics to our readers.

To maintain the highest standards of quality and integrity, we adhere to the following editorial policy.

Accuracy and Sourcing

  • Fact-Checking: All content published on SanDiego-Neurofeedback.com is thoroughly fact-checked by our editorial team. We rely on reputable sources, including peer-reviewed journals, academic institutions, and recognized experts in the field.
  • Citations: We provide citations and references for all data, statistics, and claims made within our articles. Links to sources are included where applicable to allow readers to verify information independently.

Editorial Independence

  • Objective Reporting: Our editorial team operates independently from any business, advertising, or sponsorship interests. We are committed to unbiased reporting and presenting information based on evidence and expert consensus.
  • Conflict of Interest: Contributors must disclose any potential conflicts of interest. Content influenced by external partnerships will be clearly labeled as such to maintain transparency.

Content Creation and Review

  • Expert Contributors: Our articles are written and reviewed by professionals with expertise in neurofeedback, neuroscience, psychology, and related fields. This ensures that our content is both accurate and relevant.
  • Editorial Review: Every article undergoes a rigorous editorial review process to ensure clarity, coherence, and factual accuracy before publication.

Updates and Corrections

  • Regular Updates: We regularly review and update our content to reflect the latest research and developments in the field of neurofeedback and brain health.
  • Corrections: If an error is identified in our content, we promptly correct it and provide a notice of the correction at the end of the article.

User Engagement

  • Feedback: We welcome feedback from our readers and strive to address any concerns or questions promptly. Feedback can be submitted through our contact page.
  • Comments: Our comment section is moderated to ensure respectful and constructive discourse. Offensive or inappropriate comments will be removed.

Advertising Policy

  • Separation from Content: Any advertisements on SanDiego-Neurofeedback.com are clearly distinguished from editorial content. Advertising does not influence our editorial decisions.
  • Sponsored Content: Sponsored content or advertorials are clearly labeled to distinguish them from our independent editorial content.

Privacy and Confidentiality

  • User Privacy: We respect the privacy of our readers. Personal information collected through our website is handled in accordance with our Privacy Policy.
  • Confidentiality: Information shared with us through email or contact forms is kept confidential and used solely for the purpose of responding to inquiries or improving our services.

Ethical Standards

  • Integrity: We uphold the highest ethical standards in our reporting and content creation. Plagiarism, fabrication, and misrepresentation of information are strictly prohibited.
  • Respect: We strive to present information in a respectful manner, recognizing the diverse perspectives and experiences of our readers and the subjects we cover.

By adhering to these principles, SanDiego-Neurofeedback.com aims to be a trusted source of information and support for those interested in neurofeedback and brain health.